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The Power of Persistence: Why Consistent Lead Follow-Up is a Game-Changer for Realtors

Apr 17, 2024

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of new leads and forget about the ones that didn't immediately convert. However, as discussed in a recent REIGNation mastermind session led by Edmund Bogen, consistent lead follow-up is a critical factor in achieving long-term success as a realtor.


The 8th Contact Attempt: A Surprising Statistic During the session, Edmund shared a striking statistic: making an 8th contact attempt, instead of stopping at 7, can yield 25% more business. This means that by simply pushing past the point where most agents give up, you can tap into a significant pool of potential clients who just needed a little more nurturing.

It's understandable why many realtors may hesitate to keep reaching out. Fear of being perceived as pushy or annoying can hold us back. However, it's important to reframe our mindset. By providing value and staying respectfully persistent, we demonstrate our commitment to helping our leads achieve their real estate goals.


Analyzing Your Business: Identifying High-ROI Marketing Channels In addition to emphasizing the importance of lead follow-up, Edmund also stressed the value of regularly analyzing your business to identify the most effective marketing channels. By tracking the sources of your closed deals over the past few years, you can spot patterns and allocate your resources more strategically.


Common high-ROI channels for realtors include:

  1. Agent referrals
  2. Sphere of influence (past clients, friends, family)
  3. Geographic farming (becoming the go-to expert in a specific area)

By focusing on these proven sources and continually refining your approach based on data, you can maximize your marketing efforts and attract more qualified leads.


Implementing a Multi-Channel Follow-Up System To stay top-of-mind with your leads and build strong relationships, it's crucial to implement a multi-channel follow-up system. This can include:

  • Regular email newsletters providing valuable market insights and tips
  • Targeted direct mail campaigns
  • Invitations to exclusive client events
  • Personalized gestures like birthday cards or home anniversary greetings
  • Engaging social media content that showcases your expertise

By using multiple touchpoints, you increase the likelihood of connecting with leads on their preferred platform and demonstrate your commitment to staying in touch.


Becoming a Thought Leader: Providing Value Beyond the Transaction One powerful way to stand out from the competition and attract more leads is by establishing yourself as a thought leader in your community. This means providing value beyond the typical real estate services, such as:

  • Hosting informative seminars on topics like downsizing or first-time home buying
  • Writing blog posts or articles that address common questions and concerns
  • Partnering with local businesses or charities to support community initiatives
  • Sharing your unique perspective on market trends and opportunities

By becoming a trusted resource and pillar of your community, you'll naturally attract more leads and referrals.


The Power of Persistence: Embracing the Long Game Ultimately, success in real estate sales is not about perfection, but rather the cumulative impact of persistent effort over time. By consistently following up with leads, analyzing your business, implementing a multi-channel marketing strategy, and providing value beyond the transaction, you'll build a strong foundation for long-term growth.


As Edmund emphasized in the REIGNation session, it's important to push past your comfort zone and hold yourself accountable to implementing these best practices. By tapping into the collective wisdom and support of a mastermind community, you can stay motivated, inspired, and on track to achieving your goals.


So embrace the power of persistence, and watch your real estate business soar to new heights.

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