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Ideas for using CHATGPT

ai prompts grow your business insignts tips for realtors Apr 03, 2024

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is how ChatGPT can help you in the real estate business, and what kind of crazy hacks you can use to make your life easier. I'm not going to bore you with all the technical details, because let's face it, you're probably not interested in that kind of phoniness anyway.
First off, there's this thing called custom instructions. It's a pretty neat way to make ChatGPT work for you, instead of giving you a bunch of useless information that you don't need. You just give it some background on what you do and how you want it to respond, and bingo, you've got yourself a personalized assistant that actually understands your needs.
Then there's prompt engineering. It sounds fancy, but it's really just a way to create prompts that get you the results you want. You don't need to be some kind of genius to do it, either. There are tools like AI for Work that make it a breeze, even for a regular guy like you.
One of the best things about ChatGPT is that it can summarize long texts for you. I mean, who has the time to read through all that stuff? With ChatGPT, you can get the main points without having to slog through all the fluff. It's a real lifesaver, I'm telling you.
And if you're dealing with people who don't speak your language, ChatGPT can help with that too. It's like having a translator in your pocket, only better because it can also help you understand all the cultural stuff that goes along with the language.
But here's the real kicker: reverse prompts. It's like having a secret weapon that nobody else knows about. You can use it to come up with questions and arguments that you might not have thought of on your own, so you're always prepared for whatever your clients throw at you.
Lastly, there's content repurposing. It's a fancy way of saying that you can take stuff you've already created and turn it into something new. Like, if you've got a blog post, you can turn it into a script for a video, or if you've got a property description, you can turn it into a social media post. It's a great way to save time and effort, and who doesn't want that?
So there you have it, the six game-changing hacks that REIGNation members can use to make their lives easier. It's not rocket science, but it sure does make a difference. And if you're not using ChatGPT, well, I hate to break it to you, but you're missing out on a lot of good stuff.

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