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"Confidence Equals Commission" - Boost Your Self-Esteem, Increase Your Sales

grow your business insignts strategies tips for realtors Sep 20, 2024

The meeting, led by Edmund Bogen, focused on the importance of confidence in real estate sales and how it directly impacts success. Edmund emphasized that confidence often stems from self-esteem and how one perceives themselves in relation to clients. He discussed the book "Psycho-Cybernetics" by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, which explores the connection between self-image and success. The session included discussions on overcoming intimidation when dealing with wealthy or high-profile clients, the importance of viewing clients as peers rather than superiors, and strategies for building confidence. Edmund also touched on the value of learning from cold calls, both making and receiving them, as a way to improve sales skills.

Key Takeaways:

  • Confidence is crucial in real estate success and often stems from self-esteem.
  • The book "Psycho-Cybernetics" by Dr. Maxwell Maltz was recommended for understanding self-image and success.
  • Viewing clients as peers rather than superiors can improve interactions and sales outcomes.
  • Embracing mistakes and learning from them is essential for growth in the real estate business.
  • Exposure therapy and facing fears head-on can help overcome confidence issues.
  • The Pomodoro Technique (working in 25-minute focused blocks) can improve productivity.
  • Learning from both making and receiving cold calls can be valuable for improving sales skills.
  • Maintaining a positive mindset and avoiding excessive self-criticism is important for success.

Actionable Recommendations:

  1. Read "Psycho-Cybernetics" by Dr. Maxwell Maltz to improve self-image and confidence.
  2. Practice viewing clients as peers to improve interactions and reduce intimidation.
  3. Implement the Pomodoro Technique for improved focus and productivity.
  4. Start with small, achievable goals (like making one cold call) to build confidence gradually.
  5. Use exposure therapy techniques to face and overcome fears in sales situations.
  6. Learn from receiving cold calls by analyzing the techniques used by other salespeople.
  7. Network with other REIGNation members using the provided map tool.
  8. Attend the upcoming meeting on "Listing Appointment Conversion" on Wednesday, September 25th.
  9. Connect with Edmund Bogen on social media platforms for additional insights and networking opportunities.
  10. Consider reading the book "Grit" for insights on perseverance and success.

The meeting emphasized the importance of building confidence, learning from experiences, and maintaining a positive mindset in the real estate industry. It also highlighted the value of continuous learning and networking within the REIGNation community.


#RealEstateSuccess #ConfidenceInSales #SelfEsteem #PsychoCybernetics #EdmundBogen #SalesSkills #ClientRelations #Networking #ColdCalls #PositiveMindset #PomodoroTechnique #SalesGrowth #OvercomingFears #WealthyClients #SuccessMindset #REIGNation #RealEstateCoaching #ListingAppointments #ContinuousLearning #ProductivityTips

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